浙江大学亚太休闲教育研究中心(Asia Pacific Centre forthe Education and Study of Leisure, Zhejiang University以下简称“中心”,英文简称为APCL)是国际休闲教育、休闲研究、休闲实践和休闲推广促进机构,于2004年11月26日由浙江大学、世界休闲组织和杭州市人民政府等联合发起成立。经过15年的发展,中心已经培养了近一百位休闲学硕士、博士和同等学历研究生,连续举办了10多休闲发展国际论坛,在学科建设、理论探索和社会服务等方面得到了国内外学者和业界的高度认可。 一、招聘领域 休闲学学科点是2007年浙江大学自主设置、国务院学位委员会备案的交叉性新学科,是国内目前唯一培养休闲学硕、博士研究生的学科点,已正式招生十年,浙江大学的休闲学学科建设和研究生培养目前依托浙江大学亚太休闲教育研究中心。因师资梯队建设需要,急需引进高层次人才,热忱欢迎休闲学、哲学、文化学、人类学、社会学(包括社会心理学)等与哲学学科、休闲学方向相近专业毕业,且对休闲学的研究和教学有兴趣的国外名校博士生(博士后)或国内名校优秀人才、学术骨干加盟本学科。 二、招聘人才类别 1.文科领军人才 1)坚持立德树人,恪守学术规范。师德高尚,学风严谨,身体健康,能全职在浙江大学工作; 2)在国内外高水平大学休闲与生活哲学及相关学科担任正高级职务(或相当职务)、或国际一流大学哲学系担任副高级及以上职务; 3)学术造诣高,在休闲与生活哲学及相关学科领域内取得国内外同行公认的重要成就,在国际上具有较大的学术影响力,能够带领青年学者推动休闲学科发展。 2.文科“百人计划”研究员 1)A类人员:在国内外高水平大学担任副教授或助理教授;在其研究领域崭露头角,在国内外学术界有一定的影响力,学术思想活跃,有能力在某些领域取得具有重大影响的成就; 2)B类人员:有良好学术训练背景的优秀青年学者,原则上应在国内外高水平大学或顶尖学科取得博士学位或完成博士后研究工作;在其研究领域有一定创新研究成果,学术思想活跃,有较大发展潜力。 3.博士后研究人员 1)博士毕业以后五年之内,有很好的研究成果、有较好的学术潜力; 2)与休闲学现任博士生导师的研究方向相关。 三、相关待遇 1.浙江大学为各层次人才提供相应的具有海内外竞争力的薪酬,为文科领军人才和“百人计划”研究员配套相应科研启动经费。 2.各层次人才可根据学校有关规定租用学校教师公寓,其中文科领军人才和百人计划研究员可按照相关政策申购人才专项房1套。 具体待遇面洽。 四、材料提供 1.请将应聘材料通过电子邮件发送至apcl@zju.edu.cn, 和ply5651@163.com,(邮件主题:姓名+学校+专业),应聘材料包括: 1)详细个人简历(自大学开始至申请时不间断的学习、工作简历,发表的论文、著作等); 2)学历、学位证书及现任职证明; 3)3篇重要代表性论著的全文; 4)500字左右的个人简介,着重介绍取得的主要学术成就和影响; 5)工作思路与工作目标。 2. 材料提交截止日期:2019年4月28日 3. 联系信息: 联系人:余老师、 潘老师 手机/微信:15869144836;13306815166 邮箱:apcl@zju.edu.cn; ply5651@163.com 浙江大学亚太休闲教育研究中心 2019年1月18日 The Asia Pacific Center forthe Education and Study of Leisure (abbreviated as APCL), jointly establishedby Zhejiang University, the World Leisure Organization and Hangzhou MunicipalGovernment in 2004, is an institute for leisure education, leisure research, leisure practice and leisurepromotion. During the past one and half decades, more than 100 postgraduates ofdifferent types have graduated from the APCL, and an international forum onleisure development has been annually organized. APCL’s efforts in developmentof leisure studies, theoretical exploration and community service have beenwidely recognized both home and abroad. I. Recruitment Areas Leisure studies, an emerging interdisciplinaryprogram, was officially authorized by the State Council of the People’sRepublic of China in 2007. The APCL and is the only institute in China that provides doctoralprograms in leisure studies. Because of the need for discipline development,high-level talents are urgently needed. Scholars and PhD students (orpost-doctors) from prestigious universities in and outside China who specializein the field of humanistic and social sciences such as Leisure studies,Philosophy, Culture, Anthropology, and Sociology (including Sociopsychology)interesting in researching and teaching in Leisure studies are welcome to join us. Employment requirements andsalary are subject to relevant regulations of employment at ZhejiangUniversity. II. Types of Recruitment Talents 1. Leading Talents in Liberal Arts (1) Stick to strengtheningmoral education and cultivating people, abide by academic standards. Nobleteaching morality, rigorous research style, in good health, capable of takingup full-time job at Zhejiang University. (2) Work as a professor (or equivalent) in LeisureStudies and life philosophy or relevant disciplines of high-level universitiesat home and abroad, or have a title of associate professor and above in LeisureStudies of first class international universities. (3) Have high academic attainments, importantachievements in the field of Leisure Studies and Life philosophy or relateddisciplines recognized by peers at home and abroad, have strong academicinfluence internationally, and capable of leading youth scholars in pushingforward the development of leisure studies. 2. Hundred TalentsProgram (1) Type A: Associate or Assistant professors inworld-renowned universities. Applicants should have demonstrated commitment toexcellence in teaching and research at a level comparable to the academic achievementof assistant professor or associate professor in world-renowned universities. (2) Type B: Candidates are excellentyoung scholars who have been awarded doctoral degree or have the experience ofpost-doctoral study. Candidates have done creative research and are active andhave good potential in research. 3. Post-doctors (1) Have been awarded doctoraldegree within five years; have good research ability and publications and havegreat research potential. (2) Theresearch interests are relevant to those of the current researchers in the APCL. III. WorkingBenefits 1. Provide talents of various levels withcorresponding competitive salary at home and abroad, leading talents in liberalarts and researchers of hundred talents plan will have corresponding funding tolaunch scientific research. 2. Talents at various levels can rent the teachers’apartment of the university according to relevant regulations of theuniversity, leading talents of liberal arts and “Hundred Talents Plan”researchers can apply to purchase one suite of apartment for special talentsaccording to relevant policies. IV. Documents Submission 1.Please email the following documents to: apcl@zju.edu.cn and ply5651@163.com (1) Detailed resume (educationexperience since college, working experience, publications etc.) (2) Degree certificates (3) Three representative papers (4) 500 words description of youracademic achievements and influences (5) Ideas and goals for future work 2.Deadline: April 28, 2019 3.Contact Information Contact person: Mr. Yu; Prof. Pan Cell/Wechat: 15869144836;13306815166 Email: apcl@zju.edu.cn; ply5651@163.com Asia Pacific Center for theEducation and Study of Leisure, Zhejiang University January 18 2019