
Faculty Search for Zhejiang University——“New Hundred Talents Program”


Zhejiang University (ZJU) is seeking faculty candidates for its highly competitive, and well-funded New Hundred Talents Program. This is open-field search for all colleges and departments at ZJU. Applicants will have demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching and research at a level comparable to the academic achievement of assistant professor or associate professor at a world-renowned universities. Successful candidates must work full-time and are expected to establish internationally competitive and independent research programs in cutting-edge areas of the relevant field at ZJU.

1. The one who holds this position should engage in high-quality teaching and fulfill the teaching requirements of the relevant school or department.
2. The one who holds this position should be engaged in high-level research, implement new developments in the academic discipline,  make influential achievements in relevant fields, enhance his/her own international academic influence, and be an internationally active academic member.

3. The one who holds this position should facilitate international academic communication and research cooperation, build an international reputation, and strive to become a leading personality in the academic discipline.

Qualifications and Requirements: 
1. The applicant should hold a doctoral degree from a world-renowned university and should have reached the level of assistant or associate professor (or an equivalent title) at an internationally prominent university.
2. The applicant should be a proactive learner, who is professional with teamwork skills. At the same time, he or she should have the ability to conduct research independently.

3. The applicant should be a top-notch talent among his or her peers and have the potential to become a leader in the field.
4. The applicant should work full-time at ZJU.

1. ZJU will provide competitive compensation, including a housing allowance.
2. ZJU will provide the position of ZJU100 Young Professor, qualified to supervise doctoral students.
3. Those qualifying for the talent program may rent a faculty apartment during employment, and after receiving tenure, they have the opportunity to apply for the purchase of an apartment designated for those with “talent” status.
4. After the application is approved, a research fund will be provided by ZJU, the particular amount of which is to determined according to discipline.

5. ZJU will provide a one-time relocation fee and actively recommend and assist qualified faculty in applying for national, provincial and ministerial-level youth talent programs or projects.


Qualified applicants are encouraged to submit their applications electronically to or to contact the HR office of the related college, department, or institute. Applicants should include the following materials in PDF format: a comprehensive CV, a statement of research goals and a teaching plan, the full texts of 3 to 5 representative papers, and a list of 3 to 5 references with detailed contact information.


Note: The initial review will be completed within 4 weeks after receipt of the application. If an applicant does not receive a response within 6 weeks, he or she can consider the application to have failed the preliminary evaluation.


Contact:Talents Office, ZJU
Tel:+86-571-88981390, +86-571-88981345
